
###########     IMPLEMENTS A GRACE DATASET         ###########


class GraceDataSet
     Methods defined here:
__init__(self, n=0, d=[], gT='xy')

Data and other attributes defined here:
basdefault = {'baseline type': 0, 'comment': '"Cols 1:2"', 'hidden': 'false', 'legend': '" "', 'type': 'xy'}
basfill = {'color': 1, 'pattern': 1, 'rule': 0, 'type': 0}
basline = {'color': 1, 'linestyle': 1, 'linewidth': 2.0, 'pattern': 1, 'type': 1}
bassymbol = {' ': 1, 'char': 65, 'char font': 0, 'color': 1, 'fill color': 1, 'fill pattern': 0, 'linestyle': 1, 'linewidth': 1.0, 'pattern': 1, 'size': 0.65000000000000002, ...}

class GraceDocument
     Methods defined here:
autoscale(self, autoscaleaxis='xy')
dump(self, outStream=None)
getRoundedValues(self, scale, a2, a1)
set_data(self, ls, legend='', graphType='xy')
set_labels(self, stx, sty)
set_scale(self, x='Normal', y='Normal')
set_title(self, st)
set_world(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, tickx=None, ticky=None)

Data and other attributes defined here:
basdefault = {'version': 50100}
basmap_color = {0: ((255, 255, 255), '"white"'), 1: ((0, 0, 0), '"black"'), 2: ((255, 0, 0), '"red"'), 3: ((0, 255, 0), '"green"'), 4: ((0, 0, 255), '"blue"'), 5: ((255, 255, 0), '"yellow"'), 6: ((188, 143, 143), '"brown"'), 7: ((220, 220, 220), '"grey"'), 8: ((148, 0, 211), '"violet"'), 9: ((0, 255, 255), '"cyan"'), ...}
basmap_font = {0: ('"Times-Roman"', '"Times-Roman"'), 1: ('"Times-Italic"', '"Times-Italic"'), 2: ('"Times-Bold"', '"Times-Bold"'), 3: ('"Times-BoldItalic"', '"Times-BoldItalic"'), 4: ('"Helvetica"', '"Helvetica"'), 5: ('"Helvetica-Oblique"', '"Helvetica-Oblique"'), 6: ('"Helvetica-Bold"', '"Helvetica-Bold"'), 7: ('"Helvetica-BoldOblique"', '"Helvetica-BoldOblique"'), 8: ('"Courier"', '"Courier"'), 9: ('"Courier-Oblique"', '"Courier-Oblique"'), ...}
baspage = {'inout': '5%', 'scroll': '5%', 'size': '792,612'}

class GraceGraph
     Methods defined here:
__init__(self, n=0)

Data and other attributes defined here:
baxes = {'invert': 'off', 'scale': 'Normal'}
baxis = {' ': 'on', 'bar': 'on', 'bar color': 1, 'bar linestyle': 1, 'bar linewidth': 1.0, 'label': '"x"', 'label char size': 1.8999999999999999, 'label color': 1, 'label font': 1, 'label layout': 'para', ...}
bdefault = {' ': 'on', 'bar hgap': '0.000000', 'hidden': 'false', 'stacked': 'false', 'type': 'XY'}
bframe = {'background color': 0, 'background pattern': 0, 'color': 1, 'linestyle': 1, 'linewidth': 1.0, 'pattern': 1, 'type': 0}
blegend = {'': 'on', ' ': '0.85, 0.8', 'box color': 1, 'box fill color': 0, 'box fill pattern': 1, 'box linestyle': 1, 'box linewidth': 1.0, 'box pattern': 1, 'char size': 1.0, 'color': 1, ...}
bsubtitle = {' ': '" "', 'color': 1, 'font': 0, 'size': 1.0}
btitle = {' ': '" "', 'color': 1, 'font': 0, 'size': 1.5}
bview = {'xmax': 1.21, 'xmin': 0.17999999999999999, 'ymax': 0.88, 'ymin': 0.13}
bworld = {'xmax': 1.0, 'xmin': 0.0, 'ymax': 1.0, 'ymin': 0.0}