| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, comm, var_name)
- doit(self, outname='plots.tex', plotnames=[])
- Suquencially dumps all the plotnames (a list of .agr files)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- replacing_rules = {'\x0c{Symbol}': ' ', r'\N': ' ', r'\S': '^', r'\f{}': ' ', r'\s': '_'}
Methods inherited from ParamParser.ParamParser:
- __iter__(self)
- __str__(self)
- defines how the actual value of the parameter set is printed out.
A good candidate to be overwritten in inheriting classes.
- directory_tree(self, limit=-1)
- returns the directory path conducting to the actual values of the parameter set.
by default (limit=-1) the directory tree is extended to all the variables list
except for the last variable.
By setting limit to something else, you change the amount of variables kept left from
the directory generation. (i.e. limit=-2, will leave out of the directory path the last two variables)
- next(self)
- next() iterates over the possible values raising a StopIteration when the possible values
are exhausted
- output_tree(self, limit=-1)
- returns the output from limit given the actual values of the parameter set.
by default (limit=-1) the output will only print the last variable value.
By setting limit to something else, you change the amount of variables printed
(i.e. limit=-2, will print the value of the last two variables)
- reset(self)
- This function resets the iterator to its starting point
- set_order(self, new_order)
- sets a new order for the output.
May be a subset of the variables, but it can not be a superset
useful if your program only reads a fixed input file
- value_of(self, varn)
- returns the actual value of the variable 'varn'
Data and other attributes inherited from ParamParser.ParamParser:
- iterator_types_dict = {'#': <class ParamIterators.ItRepetition>, '*': <class ParamIterators.ItOperatorProduct>, '**': <class ParamIterators.ItOperatorPower>, '+': <class ParamIterators.ItOperatorPlus>, '-': <class ParamIterators.ItOperatorMinus>, '.': <class ParamIterators.ItPunctual>, '/': <class ParamIterators.ItOperatorDivision>, ':': <class ParamIterators.ItConstant>}
- separator = ' '